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Hans Christian Post

Hans Christian Post has since 2000 worked on-off in the documentary field. First as a research assistant. Later, from 2005 till 2007, as researcher, assistant writer and production leader.

Since 2014, he has worked independently as filmmaker and producer. In 2015, he finished his first documentary, Last Exit Alexanderplatz, which was followed by Whose City? in 2017. The theatre film We are here came out in early 2019, and in 2020, he completed the award winning Where·to With history?, his fourth film. Best in the World was finished in 2022.

He holds a master’s degree and a PhD in Modern Culture from the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen. His primary field of research is cultural and urban memory. With Dresden and Berlin as primary cases, he has written extensively on the intertwining of city planning, building preservation, memory, and history politics.

The public can attend a Q&A session with Hans Christian Post after the screening of Best in the world.

Nathan Eddy

Nathan Eddy (*1984) is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and journalist. His first two films, The Absent Column (2013) and Starship Chicago (2017) focus on efforts to landmark threatened buildings in Chicago. 

His third film, Battleship Berlin (2021), documents the efforts to save two iconic brutalist structures from the city’s Cold War period. His fourth film, Helmut Jahn: In a Flash, is a melancholy elegy to the late German-American architect. Eddy is currently working on a documentary about Berlin’s Old Masters museum, the Gemäldegalerie, along with a sequel to Starship Chicago.

The public can attend a Q&A session with Nathan Eddy after the screening of Battleship Berlin & Ikony– Iľja Skoček .

Dano Dekan

Born and raised in Bratislava, Dano has always loved stories but never studied directing. His background is in production, where he worked for 6 years as a production manager on some of the most challenging projects in Slovakia. Dano made his debut as an advertising director in 2013 and has worked for clients such as O2, Orange, Telekom, MTS, Kaufland, Lidl, Tesco, Raiffeisenbank and many others, some of which have won awards. Dano also directed visual and documentary projects for TV. His film about the Slovak modernist architect Ilja Skoček, part of the series ICONS, premiered in 2020.

The public can attend a Q&A session with Dano Dekan after the screening of Battleship Berlin & Ikony– Iľja Skoček .

Jan Louter

Jan Louter (1954) is the creator/director of independent documentaries – for television and cinema – which are both visual and conceptual as well as imaginative and challenging. He has portrayed many writers and artists, but is equally interested in social issues. He realized about 35 documentaries in total. They all were broadcasted in the Netherlands by Dutch public television and some of them also abroad. Most were screened at national and international film festivals in Europe, U.S.A., China and Australia. His work has been recognized by earning some prestigious awards for best documentary among twice A Special Jury Mention at the AFI in Los Angeles.

The public can attend a Q&A session with Jan Louter after the screening of Under Tomorrow’s Sky .
