UrbanEye 2023 | 2nd Cluj edition
UrbanEye Film Festival – festival about architecture, city and urban life – returns to Cluj for the second edition between the 25th – 28th of May 2023! Starting from the theme of the edition “Who does the city belong to”, for 4 days we invite you to join us in…

UrbanEye 2022
If cities and the environment we live in have always been changing, the speed at which it is happening now is unprecedented. As a reflection on what is happening, but also a call to action, the theme we have chosen for this year’s edition is “Transform”. We question to whom…

Urban Eye 2022 | 1st Cluj edition
After 8 editions in Bucharest, UrbanEye Film Festival – a festival about architecture, city and urban life – arrives for a first edition in Cluj-Napoca, between May 11-15, 2022, where it will be hosted by Cinema ARTA. In response to the current political and social context, this edition focuses on…

UrbanEye 2021
Festivalul de Film UrbanEye 2021 va avea loc între 10 – 14 noiembrie, online Într-o lume schimbată, unde atenția pentru spațiile pe care le locuim a devenit esențială, unde comunitățile cele mai apropiate de noi se dovedesc salvatoare atunci când libera circulație este restricționată, tema acestei ediții a festivalului se…

UrbanEye 2020
The 7th edition of UrbanEye will take place in Bucharest on 4-8 November 2020.

UrbanEye 2019
The sixth edition of UrbanEye Film Festival took place from 6th to 10thof November at Cinema Elvire Popesco and ARCUB. In the foreground were films and events that bring into question the relationship between city and nature. How does nature influence the built environment? How do people transform the environment and…

UrbanEye 2018
The fifth edition of the UrbanEye Film Festival took place this year from 7 to 11 November in Bucharest, and brought together awarded films, debates about the cities we live in, workshops and guided tours around the city. For five days, the audience had the chance to watch documentaries and…

UrbanEye 2017
The fourth edition of the UrbanEye Film Festival will take place between 1-5 november 2017. The fourth edition of the UrbanEye Film Festival will take place between 1-5 november 2017 at Elvire Popesco Cinema and Apollo 111 Theatre. UrbanEye is a festival dedicated to all people interested in the environment they live…

UrbanEye 2016
The third edition of the UrbanEye Film Festival will take place in Bucharest, between the 16th and the 20th of November, at Elvira Popescu Cinema and the Eforie Cinematheque. For the first time in our country, the festival will bring award-winning documentaries to the big screen, addressing themes related to the built environment in…

UrbanEye 2015
The 12 screenings at UrbanEye Film Festival and the films screened in the Competition section were seen by over 1500 people în Bucharest, at Cinema Elvira Popescu and Cinemateca Union, between 11th and 19th of November 2015. Seven films inspired by the Romanian reality and one special screening…