
Cătălin Olaru is a film critic and artistic director of Divan Film Festival and HipTrip Travel Film Festival, publishing articles since 2009 in magazines such as Cultura, FILM and Kamikae and also on online platforms such as Blogurile Adevărului and In 2012, he is the first ever recipient of the “Alex Leo Șerban” scholarship for film criticism, granted by the Romanian Film Promotion Association at the Transilvania International Film Festival. Since december 2013, a member of The Romanian Filmmakers Union and also of the International Federation of Film Critics. Educational trainer in the field of cinema at EducaTIFF (2014) and Éducation à l’image (2014 and 2015). The 2015 winner of the „Fii critic la Cannes!” contest, organised by Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest Film Festival and the Control N Cultural Association. Author of the critical study entitled “Mircea Daneliuc – Proba de microfon”, published in 2016 as part of the Éducation à l’image of the NexT Cultural Society programme, co-author of the volumes “Politicile filmului. Contribuţii la interpretarea cinemaului românesc contemporan” (Tact Press, 2014) and “Politicile filmului II” (forthcoming). Member of the FIPRESCI Jury at the Locarno Film Festival 2017.

Ștefan Ghenciulescu is an architect, publicist and researcher in the field of architecture and urbanism. He is also editor-in-chief at Zeppelin magazine and Associate Professor at UAUIM. In 2005 he defended his PhD dissertation in urbanism. He works on architecture, design and urbanism projects, is a scholarship student at NEC and visiting professor at architecture schools in Belgium and Germany. He publishes studies and articles in ”Arhitectura” and in publications of humanist studies.

Vladi Petri is a photographer and documentary filmmaker living in Bucharest. He has a bachelor’s degree in Film & TV Image from the “Caragiale” Academy of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography in Bucharest (2005) and a master’s degree in Visual and Media Anthropology (2014) from Freie Universitaet, Berlin. He worked as a director and DOP on many documentary film projects in countries such as Afghanistan, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia and Albania.
Since 2008, he’s been a trainer at various film and photography workshops held in Bucharest and other locations in Romania: workshops like Photon, Ideo Ideis, Focus Workshop, GO Bucharest, Telciu Summer School.
Since 2012 he’s been documenting the anti-government protests from the University Square and those regarding the mining from Roșia Montană, regularly posting clips and photos on social media.
In 2014 he made his first feature film (“București, unde ești?”), a documentary about the 2012 protests, which premiered at the International Film Festival Rotterdam and won the Gopo prize for debut.
His recent projects are focused on documentaries and photography, especially regarding social and political issues and the events taking place in the Middle East.

Andreea Ghimpu-Lupascu is a legal advisor at the National Romanian Council for Refugees, in a project sponsored by UNHCR, which aims at promotingthe integration of people with international protection through counselling, lobby and advocacy.

Irina Lamandescu is an architect, university lecturer at UAUIM – “Sanda Voiculescu” History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation Department, director of the Historic Building Department at the Romanian Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, director of ICOMOS Romania, member of the board at TICCIH – The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage. Her primary scientific field of interest is the protection of the cultural heritage, being focused on the research and the recovery of industrial heritage. This was the thesis of her doctor’s degree which she defended in 2015.

Elizabeth Lennard is an artist and filmmaker originally from New York, living and working in Paris. Lennard’s fascination with the built environment inspired her to direct Tokyo Melody: a Film About Ryuichi Sakamoto (1985), and Casa Bronfman (2009), about the Manhattan townhouse designed by Peter Rose. She has also produced a photographic book on Alexander Chemetoff’s Bamboo Garden in Paris (1997). Lennard’s film projects also train their lens on other artists and writers from throughout modern history. Her video opera Accents in Alsace (2002), and documentary film The Stein Family, The Making of Modern Art (2011) focus on Gertrude Stein, while Edith Wharton: the Sense of Harmony (2014) draws its inspiration from the prolific American novelist. The video performance E-1027 Design For Living Eileen Gray & Jean Badovici (2015)has been presented internationally and was supported by the Graham Foundation.

Petra Noordkamp (1967) is moving fluidly between photography and film. She explores the influence of experiences, memories, movies and dreams on the perception of architecture and the urban environment. She lives and works in Amsterdam where she studied photography at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. In 2012 she made her first short film The Mother, the Son and the Architect. This film was shown in an exhibition of her work in the photo museum Foam in Amsterdam and was selected for various Dutch and international film festivals and exhibitions. It won the first prize for best International short film – documentary at Arquiteturas, the film and architecture festival in Lisbon. In 2014 she was commissioned by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in New York to make a short film about Il Grande Cretto di Gibellina, a land art work by the Italian artist Alberto Burri, which was screened in the Guggenheim during the retrospective of Burri in the autumn of 2015.

A graduate of American Film Institute, Andrei Rozen co-directed the documentary Bums’ Paradise (Golden Remi Award – Houston International Film Festival and St. Ann Award – Moscow International Documentary Film Festival). Andrei edited Jesse’s Gone, the Golden Spire award at the San Francisco International Film Festival and the IDA Student Achievement Award. He has directed commercials for Imagine Media UK, Ben Davis and Madam Figaro, and music videos for bands such as Neurosis, The Coup, Pussy Tourette, Foesum and Tokio. From 2002 to 2007 Andrei lived in the city of his birth, Moscow where he worked as an assignment photographer for magazines such as Vogue, Harpers’ Bazaar, L’Officiel and Swedish Elle. Presently Andrei Rozen lives in Oakland, CA where he runs a commercial photography studio and works on his documentary projects. Andrei Rozen is a recipient of Graham Foundation, Pacific Pioneer Fund and CEC Artslink grants.

Ina Stoian is an architect, as well as the founding member of PlusMinus association and ShiftSpace design office. Within the association, she initiated cultural events in Cluj, Galați, Petrila and co-edited the colective volumes ”Orașul Posibil. In(ter)venții în spatiul urban postcomunist”, “2,14 tipuri de școli de arhitectură” and the documentary photography book “Post-Industrial Stories”.

Bogdan Suditu is an Associate professor at the Faculty of Geography of the University of Bucharest. His fields of interest include territorial governance, habitation, social geography, urban and territorial planning, urban history and toponymy. Author of the following books: Bucureștiul în locuințe și locuitori de la începuturi până mai ieri (1459-1989) – Compania Press (2016) and Mobilități și strategii rezidențiale urbane și periurbane. Studiu de caz – Bucharest University Press (2011).

Irina Tulbure is an architect, a university lecturer at ”Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, at the History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation Department; a scolarship student of the New Europe College, Getty-NEC Fellowship, 2011–2012; collaborator at UAR photography archive (2014-2017), PhD in architecture at UAUIM (2011); author of ”Arhitectură și urbanism în România anilor 1944-1960. Constrângere și experiment”(2016).