Melting Souls
Isolated from the chaos of humanity by an ice continent, Norilsk is a closed city, closed to foreigners. Largest city in the North of the world, it is also one of the most polluted on the planet. Norilsk Nickel, the leading producer of copper and nickel, has been in control since its emergence on the ashes of the gulag. 180,000 people live in extreme conditions: the winter lasts nine months and temperatures drop to -60 ° C. Anchored in their extraordinary daily life, the film paints a poetic portrait of an impossible city from which everyone seeks, in their own way, to escape.
- Director:
- François-Xavier Destors
- Year:
- 2018
- Country:
- France
- Genre:
- Documentary
- Duration:
- 87 minutes
- Language:
- Russian
- Subtitles:
- English & Romanian
- Screening:
- Sunday, 10 November, Cinema Elvire Popesco
- Tickets
Awards and festivals:
Arquiteturas Film Festival – June 2019 – Portugal – Best Documentary Award Lund International Architecture Film Festival – October 2018 – Sweden – ArchilmLund Award for Best Documentary