Call for Films
Open Call – UrbanEye Film Festival 2020
- Generalities
Film Festival opens the call for projects that have the focus on cities,
architecture or urban spaces.
The selected film will be screened during the 7th edition to be held between 4-8th of November 2020.
UrbanEye is a project developed by ARTA in Dialogue Association.
- Eligibility
projects can be submitted by every natural person, independent creators, both professional
and amateurs (directors, producers etc.) or juridical person (production house).
One applicant can submit one or more films.
- Submission procedure
The film submission is free of charge and it’s done exclusively online, by filling in the submission form until the 22nd of July 2020.
- Terms and regulations
applicants must acknowledge that through submission they agree with the
terms and conditions mentioned so far, including the following:
– the submitter holds the
intellectual property rights for the film and its materials;
– the submitter does not
violate the legal provisions of applicable intellectual property rights and assumes
all liability and responsibility related to the content of the project submitted;
– the organizer may use the
information, images, trailers, etc. provided at registration for promoting the
festival in all media before, during and after festival;
– the submitter of the selected films
is able to provide free of charge the required materials for the public
screening, that will be communicated via email by the festival team.
– the decision of the Selection
Team cannot be contested.
- Calendar:
Submission deadline: 22 June 2020
Notification date: 15 September 2020
Submission of materials for selected films: 15 – 22 September 2020
- Contact and communication:
The information and news regarding the UrbanEye Film Festival are publicly displayed on
Georgiana Constantin