Urban games have great potential for training ones perception in and of urban situations. In the form of game boxes, action cards or other materials, riddled with random elements such as dice or absurd instructions, games will help us to break our everyday routines in the city and take us on random strolls that stimulate interaction with the environment and surroundings.
After a presentation of “GAMICIPATION” as method the following workshop will offer some microgames that can be applied in a selected district in Bucharest. The games will help the participants to have a deeper look and become insights to the place by collecting materials such as photos, drawings, sound clips and to use these materials to interact in public space as well as to discuss the discoveries with the other participants at the end of the workshop. In this way, the city becomes a playing field, in which the participants can experience spatially specific experiences, making experiences and have fun.
The workshop is intended across all people interested architecture, urban development, street art and everyday life. We invite people from 8 till 80 years old. The presentation and workshop will be held in English and take around 4 hours. All needed materials will be provided. A part of the workshop will be in the city, so think about weatherproofed cloth.
The workshop is held by Karsten Michael Drohsel. He is a graduate engineer in urban and regional planning, a game developer and urban artist. He runs the Impuls Büro Berlin, in which he is active with different projects and project groups to develop and practice playful approaches for participative processes and local memory discourses with partners. Privately, he is involved in teacher education and develops and plays games for German as a foreign language together with refugees.
Free entry.
To attend, please subscribe by filling this form:
The workshop is supported by the Federal Republic of Germany.
The event will take place at Urban Spaces – str. Dogarilor 26-30, demisol