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On the footsteps of the Bauhaus spirit | Urban exploration and creation workshop

November 11 / between 11 am and 1 pm / Museum of Maps and exploration around the neighborhood

140 years after the birth of Walter Gropius, the spirit of the Bauhaus school—about a fascinating world of art, architecture, crafts and social equity—lives on and is more relevant than ever.
Children between 7 and 11 years old are invited to discover it at an engaging workshop at the Map Museum and in the neighboring neighborhood, under the guidance of Ioana Trușcă (TRSC) and Ilinca Păun Constantinescu.

Time schedule:

10:50 Arrival of the participants at the Museum of Maps
11:00-11:30 Presentation of the workshop, receiving the exploration kit (only with children)
11:30-12:15 Following the Bauhaus spirit in the neighborhood: route with clues (parents can participate if they want)
12:15-13:00 Collage workshop at the Map Museum (only with children)

** Film projection
Bauhaus Spirit: 100 Years Of Bauhaus (2018, 95`)
Directed by: Niels Bolbrinker, Thomas Tielsch
November 12, 3 p.m., Cinema Elvire Popesco

The workshop is free to attend. The materials are provided by the organizers. Registrations are made between November 1-10 via an email to, specifying the name and age of the child, as well as the name and a phone number of the parent.

“The Bauhaus Spirit” is an engaging documentary that celebrates 100 years since the founding of the Weimar school of architecture and design, exploring the history, present and future of the utopian ideas born then, ideas that still have a significant impact on the way we live today. The film introduces us to artists and architects who, in an attempt to respond to current challenges, are inspired by the principles of the Bauhaus movement. Thus, the story of this unfinished utopian project unfolds before us, being shaped around some questions that are still current: How do we want to live and where are we going?

Event initiated by: German Embassy in Bucharest
Organized by: UrbanEye, Ideilagram, National Museum of Old Maps and Books

*TRSC started from play. It is the place where Ioana Trușca draws and exercises with images in various forms, from various materials. Some are digital, some on paper. Some stand still, some move and some turn into objects. You can find her on instagram as @itrsc or at

*Ilinca Păun Constantinescu is an architect and teacher. He really likes working with children of all ages and discussing serious things in play. Within the Ideilagram Association and in various teams, he conducts architecture workshops that contribute to strengthening the civic spirit.