Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On
What inspires people to take the initiative and organize communal living themselves? What are the ideals behind it, how do they work out the financing, and how does communal life function? On the basis of six self-managed residential structures in Austria from across forty years, the documentary “Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On” goes in search of answers.
- Director:
- Lotte Schreiber
- Year:
- 2019
- Country:
- Austria
- Genre:
- Documentary
- Duration:
- 75 minutes
- Language:
- German
- Subtitles:
- Romanian
- Screening:
- Friday, 6 November, www.eventbook.ro
- Tickets
Awards and festivals:
Linz - Crossing Europe Film Festival, 2019 Rotterdam Architecture Film Festival, 2019 Wroclaw - MIASTOmovie Festival, 2020 Copenhagen - Architecture Film Festival, 2020