Battleship Berlin
Berlin’s brutalist heritage is under fire. The city’s powerful Charité hospital wants to demolish the notorious former animal research facility known as the Mäusebunker, but a stalwart group of gallerists, architects and preservationists push to landmark and re-use this uncompromisingly unique work of architecture. Preservation can be brutal.
- Director:
- Nathan Eddy
- Year:
- 2021
- Country:
- Germany
- Genre:
- Documentary
- Duration:
- 40 minutes
- Language:
- German
- Subtitles:
- Romanian
- Screening:
- Friday, 11 November, Cinema Elvire Popesco
Awards and festivals:
Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam/ Architecture and Design Film Festival New York / Ennesimo Film Festival/ Cinema Urbana Film Festival / Seoul International Architecture Film Festival / Oslo Architecture Film Festival